Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Motivation is Hard

Getting and staying motivated especially when it comes to diet and exercise is hard. I will be the first to admit that it has not been easy, however it does get better the more you stick with it.
The ability to ignore the self-doubt and the destructive self talk that tries to destroy your progress or talk you out of that workout or into eating something that you shouldn't does come easier. It takes every ounce of willpower you have some days but it is all worth it.
In my weight loss journey, I often struggled with motivation issues in the beginning. It is all part of the process. You have to figure out what motivates you and use that every time to get and keep you moving in the right direction.
For me, that motivation came from not wanting to be in the same unfit shape that I was in when I was in my 20s, 30s and 40s. For three decades, I had struggled with up and down weight, being motivated for a while to go to the gym and do exercise, eat the right things, watch my portions and then I would fall into my old habits and all that I had accomplished soon went out the door.
This time was different, this time I knew that if I didn't stay focused that I would stay in that same hamster wheel. There were times that I got stuck but in those times, I reflected on how far I had come.
I was getting stuck on the fact that I had stopped losing at 75 pounds but not taking into account that I had LOST 75 FREAKING POUNDS!!! That is motivation enough to keep you focused, at least for me.
Everybody has those moments of weakness. You know the ones, the ones where you can't resist that extra piece of cheesy, greasy pizza or that cake is your favorite so you just have to have a slice.
Honestly, it is not weakness. It is your body saying, I have worked hard for this, I deserve this! I am not saying overdo it and eat the whole pizza or whole cake but let yourself cheat sometimes. You work hard to stay motivated and sometimes the reward of a little cheat is just what you need.
Another thing lately that has kept me focused and motivated since the scale has quit moving but I can see a difference in the way my body is transforming and clothes are fitting is I have found a group of like-minded individuals. It is important to find a group that will support you, tell you when you are doing a great job, see the progress when you don't and tell you it is okay when you trip a little on your journey. There are many groups like this on Facebook, Instagram or other social media platforms. You may also find a group of friends at work, school or church that could become your accountability/motivation team.
For me, the Jillian Michaels Workout Junkies on FB is a very inspirational group of ladies that I am thankful that I have found recently since like I said....
Motivation is Hard but you got to work to stay focused and remember your WHY.

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